Past Events
Meeting Point Artists Association
20th Anniversary Exhibition
September 18 to October 23, 2008
Alliance Française of Calgary
2nd Floor, 1221 — 2nd Street SW, Calgary, AB
The Alliance Française of Calgary is pleased to host the Meeting Point Artists Association’s 20th Anniversary exhibition, Full Circle. This Exhibition exemplifies the aim of our institution to promote intercultural exchanges and dialogue, as we have done in the Calgary Community for over 60 years. Like the Meeting Point Artists Association, the Alliance Française of Calgary values the power of discovery and appreciation of diverse cultures through exchange, whether it is linguistic, cultural or artistic. With this new exhibition, Meeting Point Artist opens the circle and presents us a variety of amazing pieces, showing once more the talent and the creativity of its artists. Let us wish the Meeting Point Artists Association all the best on the occasion of their 20th Anniversary.
L’Alliance française de Calgary est heureuse d’accueillir l’exposition Full Circle et de célé- brer ainsi le vingtième anniversaire de l’association Meeting Point Artists. Cette association illustre en effet parfaitement l’objet de chacune des 1075 Alliances françaises a travers le monde : promouvoir le dialogue et la diversité culturelle a travers les échanges, qu’ils soient linguistiques, culturels ou artistiques. Avec cette nouvelle exposition, Meeting Point Artists ouvre le cercle et nous présente des œuvres d’une grande richesse qui témoignent du talent et de la créativité de ses artistes. Souhaitons un bon anniversaire a Meeting Point Artists !
Tomas Chaurin
Alliance Française of Calgary